Wednesday, January 31, 2007
This is what keeps me going....
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Happy Birthday Deb!

Yesterday was my sister's, Deborah, birthday. She turned 44 years old. We celebrated today. Me, Mom, Deborah, Asheton and Zach went to Texas Roadhouse for lunch. Enjoyed it although when Asheton and Zach are with us, there is not a whole lot of conversation on our part other than usually listening to Asheton and Zach. It has been a while since I have had teenagers. Sometimes I feel "out-of-the-loop" with all the different things going on in high school these days. Anyway, back to Deborah's birthday. Over the last couple of years she and I have become closer. In high school, we were anything but close. Almost like strangers. We were in high school together 1 year. I was the "band nerd" and she was the "popular cheerleader". Needless to say, we did not "hang" around together. It is kinda of sad in a way to know that we were together that one year and did not take advantage of being "in school" together. But anyway, we are closer now and that is all that matters! Love ya girl. Happy "many more" birthdays!!!!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Allyssa's dance pics...
Here are Allyssa's dance pictures. I had to ask Natasha about school pictures, which she said that she did not get this year, (I won't even tell you what I thought about that), when she told me she had these, which were in one of the kitchen cabinets...I don't know about that girl. Anyway, I thought you might like to see them. I only got the group picture to scan, then I got the 5x7 of her and 2 wallets. I will try to send them by regular e-mail so you they can be downloaded if you like. She is sooo cute in this outfit! I sure do miss her. Back to work tomorrow, boy does the weekend seem to fly by, even when you aren't having fun!!!! I just can't seem to get myself back on track with feeling good. It comes in spurts. Nauseation during the day, getting hot, I don't know....I sure be feeling better. I am back to taking both antibiotics, staggering all the medication during the day, I just don't know.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
We aren't going anywhere!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Feeling better....
Monday, January 15, 2007
Back on Overtime...

Sunday, January 14, 2007
Not afraid...
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Papa and Dakota
I think this is the only picture I have of Dakota and Papa Bob. I actually was playing with my camera when this picture was taken. I thought something was wrong with my camera because I could not see the image I was taking a picture of and I was just shooting pictures to find out what was wrong. It turned out to be the backlight that I had accidentally switched off, but the 4 pictures I took that day came out great. This is one of them.
Right now I am feeling a little tired and nauseated. I took my blood pressure pill this morning, then at 1:00 I took my depression pill. At 4:00 I took my antibiotic (GFN1000). Ate something about 30-45 minutes ago. So I am not sure what it is. Get tired sometimes just walking from the truck into the house. A lot of emotions running through me. Why am I my imagination that something is terribly wrong...why does my heart feel like it is beating out of my chest when I get tired walking from the truck to the house...I don't know...All I know right now is I want to feel better...hopefully it will come very soon. Still don't have the excitement to scrapbook, I want to but cannot get started...look at magazines and see ideas, but no desire...going for a bike ride tomorrow. Maybe I will feel better...we will see....
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
To be there now....
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
First pictures
Here's looking at ya, kid.....
Monday, January 8, 2007
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Cute Pic
Looking through old pictures today trying to get inspired to do a layout and ran across this picture. I think it is so cool. Larry and Richard there with their cowboy hats on and Mom with her cute little baby doll. Grandma and Grandpa holding a picture of I am thinking Lucky and Joyce. Why were they hold their picture? Where was Pat, Cornelia and the rest of the kids? Was Joyce and Lucky stationed somewhere else and all the other kids were local? Who was taking the picture? Look at the "icicles" on the tree and the christmas cards hanging on the wall. I wonder who they were from? That cute little reindeer (I guess it is a card on the wall) at Grandpa's right elbow. I wish I had the answers to these questions.
Haven't felt very good today. Throat is sore. Took my camera and printer dock back and got a new one. Hope it works and gives me no problems. Getting ready to go eat a little soup so I can get ready to go to work tomorrow. Not looking forward to it especially if I am not feeling any better. Talked to Nick today. Vincent had gotten a text message from Ashley which said to bring some toilet paper home!!!LOL, I am still laughing about that. I texted Nick and asked him why Ashley needed toilet paper! He called me back and said that she had been having problems with her text messages, her brother had gotten some, but he said she probably don't know how to use it....he was laughing as much as I was. Never know who sees your text messages!!! Said he was going to be working in Chapel Hill all week. Natasha called me this morning and asked me if I had called her. She had a missed call from me. I told her no that I had called her last night when she was trying to get in touch with me, but not today. Technology!!! Guess I will go for now....