Why are Mondays sooo long.....it seems like it takes forever for the work day to end and I leave at 3:30 everyday. I have posted some more pics from the lake. Proof that Allyssa wears here life vest at all times when we are at the lake unless we are at the campsite and not near the water, which we were this time. We were in walking distance to the sea-doo but we were not directly on the beachy part. Here she has a handful of sand/dirt/mud from the bottom of the lake. What is it about kids and mud and they have to throw it too. Had to call her down a couple of times for the throwing thing. Then there is the picture of her "feeding her face" with a Krispy Kreme doughnut. She had just finished it. That child loves sweets. The last 2 pics are Allyssa's picture taking. Just a picture of the fan that our host had going to keep her "cool" I am still laughing about that. But there were several campsites that had fans going.....go figure that one! Of course, I enjoy a fan blowing on me at all times, if I get chilled, I just cover up with something! And then we have the infamous picture of Allyssa's foot. I know it is her foot because of that little freckle she has on it and has had since birth! Sooooo cute!!!!! I love it when she gets the camera because it is so cute to see just what she sees through her beautiful eyes and takes pictures of!!!!!
Dakota is too young to take her with us right now. Because she cannot stay on the sea-doo too much and we stay on it pretty much all day, except of course, to eat and rest a little bit. If Allyssa had her way she would be on it the ENTIRE time we were there. Forget about eating, throw her a doughnut as she circles in close to the water's edge and she will be fine! Natasha cannot ride because she is pregnant so they don't go. They have been asked several times as well as Nicholas and they never want to go so they are missing out! Allyssa probably would not share her riding time anyway!
This menopause thing is kicking my tail. I was talking to someone today about it and she has already been through it (lasted 5 years). Oh my gosh, I will be crazy by then. I am feeling terrific one minute, ready to lash out at someone the next, still yet want to cry the next minute, exhausted the next minute, (have I gotten to 60 minutes yet?), feel like a fat cow the next minute, feel like a size 7 the next (of course, that feeling don't last long!). Suspicious of things, sounds like I am going crazy don't it! I sleep but don't really remember sleeping, I feel like I am going through the everyday motions and not really knowing I have been there. I am hot sometimes and then all of a sudden I am cold. I really miss my Mommy! I love you Mom! She is recovering from surgery. Doing great, just takes time. She is a little stir crazy right now not being able to drive. The hot flashes are not around too much right now, it might be the estrogen patch. What am I talking about, it probably is the patch helping me with that.
My sweet hubby just brought me in some chocolate ice cream.....yummy. I don't really need it though, I need to get serious about loosing weight, of course, we will talk about that later. Right now this ice cream is hitting the spot! LOL
Hello dear sister if you are reading this. Miss talking to you!
Well guess I will go for now, later..............