Hello there! Is this not the cutest little picture. Today has been a very good day. Worked, then picked up Dakota, Allyssa goes to her dad's this weekend, came home and played with Dakota till Natasha got off of work. Went to Eckerd's picked up my blood pressure medicine, went to Walmart, bought "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" book, by Kim Edwards, a notebook for Vincent, had a quick bite to eat at Arby's and came home to do the poster that I has to be put up in church tomorrow for Stewardship Sunday. Going to play tomorrow at Eleanor's with Mom, woo-hoo, can't wait. I love my Saturday time with Mom. A time for us to just talk, vent our problems, agree with one another, disagree (sometimes), eat lunch, by another collection of scrapbook paper and more collections of rubber stamps. A girl can never have enough printed paper, scrapbook supplies and rubber stamps!!!!!! Can't wait.............................