Not much going on here. Today was Vincent's 50th birthday. We didn't have the big celebration yet, #1 because we are leaving for the beach tomorrow and #2 because money is playing a big issue right now on everybody's part. So we are celebrating his birthday within the next 2 weeks, birthday cake and all! He had a great day. A bunch of people either called him or texted him wishing him happy birthday and he received 2 handmade birthday cards. One from my Mom and one from the church we are attending at the present time. They both are beautiful.
We took Hanzo to his temporary home until Monday. He is staying with the guy who has a german shepherd from the first litter of Hanzo's mom. Hanzo is the second litter. I really miss him. Hope he is doing ok.
Talked to Wayne and Tina who are already at the beach and they said the weather was nice right now. Hope it stays that way. But even if it don't I am going to be in RELAXATION mode. Atleast until Sunday when we come back. Just a short trip.
Well, gotta go get started packing and yes it is 10:00 PM and I have not done it yet and we are leaving when I get off of work at 3:30 tomorrow.......what am I waiting for....I need to get going!