I look at this picture and try to see what an outsider would see when they look at it....probably sandy brown hair, large green eyes, cute little nose, one little earlobe showing on the right side, and that cute little dimple in the middle of her chin....perfect smooth complexion...what did her little mind dream of, what did she want to be when she grew up, what did she think at this age about her childhood, her family....was she happy most of the time, what did she get sad about....who were her friends...could she even have any enemies....(not that cute face!). I remember this dress with the little sash going over the shoulder, probably had on little white socks and little loafer shoes. Sometimes I wish I did know what I thought about, what I wanted to be when I grew up, what made me happy, sad. I do know one thing, I LOOOOVVVVEEEEDDDD my mama and would never do anything to hurt her or cause her any undue pain. Of course, I have always felt that way. Although sometimes life throws hurdles our way that we have trouble jumping over, but deep down inside we never loose the love we feel for our mamas. We have a special bond that nothing or know one can ever take away from us. ok, enough of that...I get so melancholy sometimes.....
The flu has been running rampant around the plant at work. Some has even turned into pneumonia. Then there is also a virus going around too. I have been lucky so far by not getting it this year, I have had the sinus infection, that I cannot get rid of, but not the flu. I took a flu shot again this year so maybe that has helped. Of course, last year I did the same thing and got sick right after having it. Dakota keeps a rattle in her chest and running nose, Allyssa has had a cold a couple of times but not really, really bad. Vincent is feeling 100% better, goes to train tomorrow with dad so they can hurry up and get him his CDL. The sooner the better. Had a beautiful day today, 72 degrees and bright sun. Oh for springtime....just a taste of what it will be like in a month of two. Can't wait. Spring and Fall, my favorite seasons. Well, gotta go and get my hair dryed and straightened before bed. Later.......