Saturday, while we (me, Allyssa, Mom, Deborah, Asheton and Zach) were at TJ Maxx browsing, (Asheton wanted to purchase Deborah a birthday present) Allyssa is looking at all things "girly" and had been walking around with all of us at one time or the other. At the time of this little tale, she had been "looking" with Mom. She came over to me, while I was looking at t-shirts and said "Nana, can you buy me this?" Of course, she is all the time wanting you to buy her things. She already had a little pink pocketbook with the word "princess" on it that had 3 little lip glosses hanging on a key chain from the strap. I was not really expecting what she was holding and as I looked down at her and at the same time saying something to the effect that she was not getting anything else when she holds up this "size A" (possibly) cup padded (I might add) multi-colored polka-dot BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As I held back my giggle because I did not want to appear uncaring(!) I said, "Allyssa, what are you going to do with that? You don't have anything to go in it and besides you are only 7 years old." She said, "But I want it Nana. Hailey Gilbert has 3 of them." By this time, I am trying to come up with something to say to make her understand that she did not need it. I told her that she needed to put it back and as she turned around to go I remembered I had my camera so I told her to wait a minute so I could take her picture. She turns around and this is the picture I got. Is she cute or what holding her little padded bra?!!!! She looked at me and said, "Nana, you better not scrapbook this"! Naturally, I told her I wouldn't! (with my fingers crossed!) I told her to take it to Deborah and ask her about it, (which really got me out of coming up with another reason why she did not need a PADDED BRA at 7). She is so funny, but so cute. Of course, she did wait 4 extra years before she brought up the idea of a bra which is much better that her mother.
I had gotten a bag of clothes from a friend of mine when Natasha was around 3 years old. Accidentally, the friend had a baby sister who had thrown in a spandex "training" bra. As I was going through the shirts, Natasha found the bra and put it on. She asked me if she could wear it and I told her no. A couple of days later, I got a call from her teacher at daycare (who was a friend of mine) and she asked me if I knew Natasha had wore a training bra to day care! Of course, I knew, DON'T ALL 3 YEAR OLD HAVE BOOBIES THAT NEED A TRAINING BRA!!!!!!! I told her no I did not know it, she must have put it on before she got dressed! I had forgotten about the conversation that we had had previously....I don't know what ever happen to that bra.
And to answer your question, yes I am going to scrapbook the padded bra incident, Allyssa. That's what I do best is find ways to embarass you when you get older!!!!!!! You will thank me later!!!!! Your welcome! I love that little girl!
I go in the morning for another test, some sort of scan, to look at my gall bladder more. I have to be there at 7:30 am, check in at 8:00 am. Bring something to read or look at the nurse says, because there is a lot of sitting. The test is at a minimum 1 hour and 45 minutes. Can I sleep I wanted to say! I think I should have been a cat! Would that not be the life, eat, poop and sleep all day long and then sleep all night, (if you are an indoor cat)! I would want to be an indoor cat. I would even endure the pain of being declawed to be able to stay in the house, look outside at the flying things that dip in the water right outside the window. What are those things, they just fly around and take baths!!!!! And if I was an indoor cat, I would not have to worry about getting run over in the street. There are so many mean people out that that just want to run over one of us just for laughs! Yes, I would be safe in the house. I would give up chasing those little fling things that dip in the water right outside my window!!!!! Just keep my litter box clean and fresh food and water please!