Monday, May 28, 2007

Happy Memorial Day!

For of all let me pause for a moment to remember all of the men and women who have lost their lives fighting for our country. The younger generation these days I don't think have a clue as to what memorial day stands for.
I took this picture of Allyssa when she spent the weekend with us May 18, 19 and 20. This was the first time in probably a year that when it was time to go to bed she headed right to her toddler bed and went to sleep. She sleep all night in the bed. It actually sits right beside my side of the bed. She loves for her back to be scratched before she goes to sleep so I scratched her back and then she was gone. Her dance recital was that night and she was completely wore out. Dakota was with Natasha and Randy at Randy's parents house in Gaffney, SC.
I was off this past Friday for Allyssa's awards day at school. I am so proud of her. She received the following awards: Outstanding Academic Achievement in the following areas: Reading, Math, Science, Computer Skills, and Outstanding Overal Academic Achievement. Of course, Allyssa right now has no idea what all these awards mean. She just knows that she loves K-5 and does not want the school year to end. When we got back to her class her teacher gave out the "100 Club" award (for being able to count to 100) and then her teacher gave all the students a "funny" award. Allyssa got the future teacher award because she loves to play teacher. Which is true, we play it all the time. After all the awards were given out, there was a cookout with Hamburgers, Potato chips, baked beans and drinks. It was a very nice time. Mom, Dad and Natasha and Dakota was there for the awards ceremony. Mom has been very sick for the past week and did not have the energy to stay so Dad took her home. Natasha had to go back to work and I was left with Dakota to watch and try to give Allyssa all the attention since it was her day. My sister works at the school so she helped a great deal by taking Dakota back to her class (computer lab) with her.
Since Mom has been sick all week, we did not go anywhere Saturday. Dakota spent the night with us on Friday and spent the day with me until 2:00 when Natasha got off of work. Allyssa was at her dad's for the weekend. After Natasha got off of work, I came back home and peddled around. Vincent and I went to Corona (a mexican restaurant) for dinner. Yesterday we went to church, had lunch at TR's Oriental with Mom and Dad and then we came home. I cleaned up my truck, cleaned up around the yard. Vincent went to a friend's house who is letting us use a 10 ft. x 10 ft. cage for Hanzo to stay in so he does not roam around the neighborhood and in the road. He don't stay in it all the time, just when we aren't outside. We went to the store to get groceries and all the fixin's to grill hamburgers and then we watched the movie "300". Today we slept in a little, Vincent's has been cleaning up his office ALL DAY, I cleaned out the gutters on the house, talked to the neighbors a little bit, took a nap, and then I came in here and cleaned up my scrapbook room. One of my former neighbors, who comes by the neighborhood nearly every day, (she has a her own landscaping business and has clients in the neighborhood) sold her house recently and had brought a little shelf unit over to Diane's house. I asked her about it and guess what she gave it to me. I cleaned it up yesterday and brought it in the house. Put it in my scrapbook room for my rubber stamps and what-nots. Fits perfectly!!!!!! I cannot get anything else in here!
I have not been able to get on the internet lately. I was wireless and it was not working so Vincent routed me a modem. Well guess what, CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, says that we cannot have 2 modems on the same account and that I have to get a new line run for mine. Anyway to get extra $ out of people. So I have not been able to get the internet but in little spurts and right now it is a "little spurt" so I am trying to get everything in here. So if it goes for a long period of time again, you know I don't have a "little spurt"!!!!!!!
Well, guess I had better go for now, so I can catch up on all my favorite blogs. Chrissy, who have the most awesome pages! I have to check out Ali and Kal's blogs too. Hope my internet spurt continues for a little bit!