This was Allyssa's end of the year zoo trip for K-4. She is in the pink squatting down to the right of the picture. She had more fun playing on the playground equipment that she did looking at the animals, which was probably the 5-6 time she has been to the Greenville Zoo. Didn't get to pick her up at daycare today, only Dakota. Allyssa was at Vickie's house. But when I went to go into Dakota's room, she was walking to the diaper changing area and caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of her eye and turned to me. When she seen that it was me, she come running and laughing right into my arms. That right there made my not-feeling-so-good day vanish for a little while. As well as when I am with Allyssa. They both tend to make me forget for the moment how bad I feel when they smile at me!
I am back on overtime, starting tomorrow. 6:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Although I like and need th extra money right now and I get out of the early morning slow traffic, I had getting up at 4:45 every morning. By the time 3:30 get here I am worn out and if tomorrow is anything like today, I really will be worn out. My upper back hurt really bad today for some reason, and it has now started hurting again. I took 2 Advil at 11:30 and the pain did not ease off until 2:30. I think I will take Aleve now and see if that will get rid of the pain for a while. I was really tired today too. I am not sure why, I am sleeping some at night, but during the night I toss and turn, go to the couch, go back to bed...Maybe tonight I will sleep better, hope so!