Monday, April 9, 2007

Back to Work today....

Silly Dakota. She is just a giggling here because she "found" the Easter egg that Deborah just "hid" under the sliding board for the egg hunt at church. She was going behind Deborah and picking up or pointing to or giggling at the eggs that Deborah was hiding! She is a hoot! She was not too much interested in hunting though. She found a little bit of them and then she was done. Allyssa on the other hand was running to beat the band looking for all the eggs she could get. I think she ended up with about 50-75 which were chocked full of candy. Woo-Hoo, just what she needed. Went back to work today after 5 and 1/2 days out per doctor's orders. Went to the doctor Thursday the 29th when my heart rate was high, put me out of work til today. Felt pretty good for the most part other than another series of pain under my ribs radiating around to my back, another "non-professional" opinion from someone at work that it sounded like my gallbladder. if the pain don't subside I don't know if I can eat much. Everytime I eat the pain comes back, sometimes when I am just drinking something. Great just what I need with everything else going on in my health life!!!! Maybe all of this is happening at the same time and when I get it all taken care of I won't have any more problems. Wishful thinking on my part. Been sitting here trying to get my Epson picturemate printer to work again. It has a mind of its own when it comes to printing lately, but I play around with it and I guess it feels sorry for me because it starts to work again. I am going to get me the upgraded one in about 4 months, hopefully. Have had an unusual thirst for water. Can't get enough of it and then of course I have to stay close to the bathroom. Didn't make any Easter cards although I had the paper, stamps, ribbon, etc. to do them with. But there were a couple of other stamps I "needed" to go with the other stamps and I did not get down to Eleanor's to get them and now I am out a paycheck for 2 weeks. I am trying to keep my head up though because I know things are going to start getting better for us financially, since Vincent is now working a full-time consistent job and right now he is working on jet-skis in his spare time. We had lunch at mom and dad's yesterday. Me, Vincent, Mom, Dad, Nick (was so glad to see my baby-boy, miss him so much), Deborah, Zach and Asheton and of course the new addition to mom and dad's family, Dixie Lee, their shih-tzu! She is so sweet, but don't hug your dad good-bye, that is her man!!!!!!! (and to think she has only been in the family 1 week!) Well, guess I had better go and hope I can get all my pictures printed out!