Hello there!!!!! Is she a sweetie or what? That little thing on the floor behind Dakota is her banana cookie, if you are curious! She dropped it when she could not decide what she wanted from the kitchen Monday afternoon. Allyssa was at the kitchen table writing. Busy, busy at work, but some kind of "virus" is going around the plant, averaging about 8-10 people out a day since Monday. I haven't gotten it and don't want it so Joan and I are "lysoling" everything and staying away from the ones who come back to work still running a fever and sick, thanks Eric! Not working Saturday, plant manager says that maintenance needs to turn off the heat (which we don't need on anyway with all the machines in there), open the doors and get all the "sick germs" out and give us all a break. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the overtime $$$$$$$$$, but I need a break too. Didn't get the see Allyssa today, :-( (sad face). She goes to her dad's house after school tomorrow so it will be Monday before I see her again, I pick up Dakota at the day care after I get off of work. Well, time to get ready to "hit the hay" as they say in the south! What is it with people who were born and raised in the south and don't EVEN know or have heard of any of the southern sayings.....I think I have heard most of them all....Well, gotta go, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!!!!! I love that one, think of you Mom when I say it or hear it!