It is hot as blue blazes here, I think it was 92 degrees today and it is only JUNE. We will be sweltering by September.........if it is going to be this hot I need to be at the beach that was I can enjoy myself and be hot all at the same time, right? I am going to have to go for at least a long weekend before summer is over. I have to have to feel the sand on my feet and breathe the ocean air at least once this year.
Still cannot get my scrapbooking mind going. I don't know what it is. When I have the desire to scrapbook I am at work and when I get home from work and can scrapbook, I am too tired to sit down and do it after I do the usual stuff-that-has-to-be-done-when-one-gets home!!!!!!!!! Well, it is 9:50 pm here and I need to get a shower so I can get to bed and start another day tomorrow!
By the way, Chrissy, I still cannot find any of the Elsie line patterned papers. What is wrong with the scrapbook stores over here????????? Peace out!