Everytime I see a rose I think of Mom. She loves roses. She once told me if there was an afterlife she would want to come back as a rose! She is my rose anyway. I love you Mom. Thanks for a wonderful day yesterday. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy our Saturdays together. I makes me smile to think about all the things we talk about, the same things we think and say, (like the ma bell conversation where we both said in unison, "she sold us out"!!!!) I love it. Today was a beautiful day. The sun was brightly shining and the temperature was not TOO bad. Starting an "idea journal". Just to have little things in it for inspiration, like pictures that remind me of a possible layout, colors I like together, etc. something to do, as if I don't have enough to do as it is. But you know what they say, idle hands are a devil's workshop, so I cannot be idle!!!!! Until later.....................