What exactly was Hack saying to this turkey? I was just thinking about him the other day as I do every year at Christmas. I reminisce back when we were just kids and he would have his house all decked out for christmas, lights everywhere. Then I remember when he and Cornelia (or Coneer as we called her) moved to Silver Shoals Road in Marietta and how he decorated, how he would be in the house before it got dark with all doors locked and not come out until morning. I sure do miss them, but I really miss Hack because he was just a big kid-at-heart! Silly......
Today was our last day at work before Christmas. I don't mind working on the last day before christmas. Everybody is giving gifts to one person or another, working a little bit and "playing" a little bit too. Today is Natasha's 24th birthday. Little sad that she choose to spend it with Randy and his family rather than her family, but it does not surprise me anymore. For some reason, she and Nick both would rather spend time with other people or other family members instead of their own immediate family. Allyssa is at her dad's house for the weekend through Christmas morning. She wanted to spend the night at her dad's house for Santa this year. She is growing up too darn fast as is Dakota. Dakota was not feeling too good today. She was kinda of whiny, she threw up, just over all not feeling good at all. Vincent is under the weather also. Going shopping with Mom tomorrow to do our usual Saturday outing. I love spending Saturdays with her and miss it when things come up and we cannot get together. That is about the only time we have to catch up on things and just talk. Not done any scrapbook shopping the past couple of weeks, christmas is taking all my money!!!!!! That's not good!!!!! (Just kidding). Well, gotta go wrap presents!