Wednesday, January 31, 2007

This is what keeps me going....

Sometimes just the thought of these two precious babies is what keeps me going day to day. I have little reminders of them all over the place. Right now on my scrap table are all the 1x1 yellow, green and orange post-it notes that Allyssa had to pull off one by one and count on Monday. Monday was her class' "one-hundredth" day of school. The had "100" of all kinds of things. Mema went to her class to help out some. Then Allyssa came home with her because she was not feeling very well. Vincent and I were suppose to pick her up, (I was off that day) and we met them at Carolina Fine Foods and Allyssa came with us. Then we went and picked up Dakota at day care. We are suppose to get some snow and ice tomorrow, don't really want the stuff because I have to go to work. Vincent will have to take the truck to work. I guess we really should get some snow. Allyssa was looking at the scrapbook I have started for her and some other scrapbooks on Monday and see a page with her mom and Uncle Nick playing in the snow, 5 years old and 2 years old. 1988 I think. She turned to me and asked, "Nana, have I ever seen snow?" To be honest, I don't really know if she has. I don't think it has really snowed in the last several years where she can remember it.
I am feeling better this week. My upper back still hurts especially when at work and my upper left arm feels like I have been working out and so sore that I cannot lift it above shoulder length. I have no idea why it is doing that. Sometimes it hurts just to lay it on my left side when I am laying down...gotta ask the doc about that....Vincent started working at Campbell, Inc. where my dad works yesterday. He is so excited, he has not stopped talking about it. He called me at work today, (not realizing I was not at lunch) to tell me about a crane he was looking at...I think he is going to like it...Dakota likes to read all the time now. I was at Mom's yesterday to take her blanket by there and she brought me 4 books within 5 minutes to "read". Of course, I cannot "read" like Mema can, she has a special way of reading them to her. But she is so sweet when she goes and gets a book and brings it to you and then holds up her hands or backs up to your legs so you can pick her up and put her on your lap. I love those girls so much!! Well, I gotta go dry my hair. Was afraid to wait til tomorrow to do it, we might loose power since we are suppose to have ice. And it would be my luck that I did not wash it tonight and then tomorrow I would not be able to! Until next time....

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