This chair needs me.....oh to be able to be sitting in it right now....just chilling, not doing anything, not going anyway, just sitting there pondering...not really thinking about anything, just a void...this chair was actually sitting in the sand on the beachy area across from the Coleman's beach house. It was taken in February, 2005, when Mom and Dad were down there for vacation and invited (boy did they have alot of guts) all of us to go down for the weekend. Me, Allyssa, Natasha, Brittni, Chandler, Wayne, Tina, Courtney and Lauren, (I think that is all). Vincent could not go because of work. I picked up Chandler after I got off of work and we headed down on Friday evening. Natasha, Allyssa and Brittni went down Thursday along with Wayne and his family. I need this chair right now. Went to the doctor today after I had lunch with Mom, (I love having lunch with her and hung out at the mall for a little bit before my appointment!) because for nearly the past year at different times I have had my blood pressure checked for one thing or another (giving blood, eye surgery) and it has been higher than normal. After my eye surgery in April, 2006, Dr. Hammond told me to come back after I had healed a bit, because the pain and stress of the weed-eating accident that lead to my eye surgery was probably contributing to the high BP. So I finally made it back today nine months later. BP 180/108 not good. So during the visit I had several things I needed to ask about, not sleeping at night, depressed most of the time, heel spur on my right heel, and possibly sinus infection. Medication given for everything but the heel spur. I don't like the idea of having to take pills everyday, but as Mom pointed out, be thankful that my problems can be controlled with medication and not the other way around. I am thankful, very thankful. That means my everyday non-taking-pill days are over, switching to everyday, pill-taking days. Of course, the sinus infection and stupid little cough can be cleared up fairly quickly with 2 antibiotics. I go back in 4 weeks to see how I am doing, but Dr. Hammond assures me that I will be feeling better. I sure do hope so. I got Allyssa out of school early today and Vincent watched her while I went to the doctor. That kept me from going back to TR. I picked up Dakota at daycare after I got finished with the doctor. Stopped by and got McDonald's 6 piece chicken mcnugget happy meal (as requested by Allyssa) and Sonic sausage, egg and cheese breakfast burrito with a large orange juice (no ice) as requested by Vincent. Dakota ate a couple of fries, believe me she knows what is going on when you are sitting at the drive-thru window, but don't understand why when you pay at the first window the guy don't give you the food.....she was not happy with him. Came home, made sure Allyssa had her "environmental print" for the letter F. She took pictures of our visit to the Fire Station that Wayne works at, Dakota played around for a little bit and then was ready for a nap at 5:00, slept until 6:05. I boxed up my Kodak camera and printer dock which I was still having problems with so I could take it back when Natasha came after the kids. Took it back, got me the Kodak C875 camera only, purchased the docking station and I am going to try to get my Epson printer working again when I get a new ink cartridge. Got my antibiotic prescriptions filled, we got a few groceries and came home. Set up my camera and the epson printer again and now I am ready to settle down, get ready for bed and head there in a little bit. Was not hungry, felt nauseated, so I did not eat dinner. Can't wait to feel better. Later......
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
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1 comment:
lindaI love you, you love me, were a happy family, with a greast big hug and a kiss from me to you, want you say you love me to.
MUMWHA thats a kiss. Love ya, Mom
Me to about the rocking chair, don't you wish we could roll back the clock and be down there with Natasha and Nick. With the lady down staires complaining about them jumping off the bunk beds. Those were the less stressful days. O to be there again.
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