We are getting ready to head to "our" lake house to winterize 2 jet skis for the winter. The lake house actually belongs to a customer of Vincent's but we have spent so much time there this past summer that we kinda of "inherited" it for our own. Pretty neat, huh and we have to house payment!!!!!! This is going to be an 8 hour job and of course my loving dear husband wanted to get an "early" start so we could get back before dark!!!!! Here is is 11:00 and we have not left yet. Lateness not on my part of course, I have been ready since 10:00. So I have been looking at my favorite blog site right now, lovelife. Kal is just so down to earth and you never know what she is going to write about, mostly her work, but it is interesting.
It has been a while since I have posted due to several different things. I did post the sunday we got back from the beach trip, a long one. But of course, I hit the wrong button and POOF! it was gone and I did not feel like retyping all of that at the time. So I will try to give little bits and pieces of it in the next several blogs. The weather was beautiful while we were down there. We had a great time with my brother Wayne and his wife, Tina and their daughters, Courtney and Lauren, both of whom are teenagers. Mom and a friend of the family, Alpha, ended up down there at the same time so we had dinner with them one night. Well, gotta go for now. Grab my coffee and head out the door, FINALLY!
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