This is Nick and Natasha. Nick was dressed up for his "8th Grade Prom" and yes that is a cane he has his hand on. These two are the reason I am a mother....these two are the reason I have gray hair at 47....typical teenagers at the time of this picture which was taken about 8 years ago, (that is just off the top of my head). He is 21 now and she is 24. I really miss those days. I got to see them everyday, know where they were and where they were going, when they were coming home, who their friends were and now I do good to see Nick once every couple of months or so. He works out of town and lives about 25 miles away, which really is not a long way away, but he is always so busy when he does get home for the weekend and this weekend he did not get home until Saturday evening. I see Natasha more only because I get the granddaughters 1 to 3 times a week. If I don't have them I don't hear from her. Sometimes you wonder what you did wrong in raising them that they don't call or come to see you very often when they move out. I don't know, I try not to think about it much. We (meaning, me, vincent, dad, my sister Deborah and her husband Randy and one of their children Zach) took mom to Olive Garden for lunch today. Waited 1 1/2 hours before we were seated, but the weather was comfortable, the men did not complain TOOOOOOO MUCCCCCCHHHHHH. Then came home and headed to Texas Roadhouse with Natasha, the girls, Nick and his girlfriend Ashley. Enjoyed the fellowship at both meals, enjoyed Nick and Natasha's continuous sibling humor. They are always cutting up when they are together, but they have always been that way and I miss it sometimes. Well, it is time for me to get ready for bed, it has been a long day and I have to head to my "great" job tomorrow! Still looking for an office job, hope one comes up soon. This is getting old! I really need to clean house one of these days, got the laundry done though! So atleast we have clean clothes to were this week!!!!!!! Thanks Mom for everything you do and for being there when I need a shoulder to lean on. I enjoyed out lunch and time together Saturday as I do each and every Saturday. I love you forever, I love you for always, as long as I am living, my baby you will be!!!!!!!!! Sent that to Nick the other day when I texted him, he got a kick out of it!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers!
This is Nick and Natasha. Nick was dressed up for his "8th Grade Prom" and yes that is a cane he has his hand on. These two are the reason I am a mother....these two are the reason I have gray hair at 47....typical teenagers at the time of this picture which was taken about 8 years ago, (that is just off the top of my head). He is 21 now and she is 24. I really miss those days. I got to see them everyday, know where they were and where they were going, when they were coming home, who their friends were and now I do good to see Nick once every couple of months or so. He works out of town and lives about 25 miles away, which really is not a long way away, but he is always so busy when he does get home for the weekend and this weekend he did not get home until Saturday evening. I see Natasha more only because I get the granddaughters 1 to 3 times a week. If I don't have them I don't hear from her. Sometimes you wonder what you did wrong in raising them that they don't call or come to see you very often when they move out. I don't know, I try not to think about it much. We (meaning, me, vincent, dad, my sister Deborah and her husband Randy and one of their children Zach) took mom to Olive Garden for lunch today. Waited 1 1/2 hours before we were seated, but the weather was comfortable, the men did not complain TOOOOOOO MUCCCCCCHHHHHH. Then came home and headed to Texas Roadhouse with Natasha, the girls, Nick and his girlfriend Ashley. Enjoyed the fellowship at both meals, enjoyed Nick and Natasha's continuous sibling humor. They are always cutting up when they are together, but they have always been that way and I miss it sometimes. Well, it is time for me to get ready for bed, it has been a long day and I have to head to my "great" job tomorrow! Still looking for an office job, hope one comes up soon. This is getting old! I really need to clean house one of these days, got the laundry done though! So atleast we have clean clothes to were this week!!!!!!! Thanks Mom for everything you do and for being there when I need a shoulder to lean on. I enjoyed out lunch and time together Saturday as I do each and every Saturday. I love you forever, I love you for always, as long as I am living, my baby you will be!!!!!!!!! Sent that to Nick the other day when I texted him, he got a kick out of it!
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1 comment:
Aww. I love that line. I worry about raising my kids so they're still madly in love with me when they leave the house.
I pound it in to their heads that I will always be the most important woman in their life. I see how my husband never, ever calls his mother and I don't want my kids to be like that.
To punctuate my point...Felix just crawled up in my lap and gave me a big ole kiss. :)
If nothing else, I still have 17 more years of cuddling that one. 14 years for the other.
Hope you enjoyed your Mother's Day. From the sounds of it, you had a great time!
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