Monday, April 23, 2007


These pictures were taken in August of last year. Dakota was not too sure if she wanted both of her feet touching the grass and Allyssa is waiting for the ball that Papa had kicked up in the air for her. I really miss these two girls since I am not getting them as often as I had been due to my health problems. It just exhausts me to try to keep up with both of them at the same time. It is not that they are bad, they are just little girls and they can need so much usually at the same time....! I am so tired right now that I am getting ready to take my shower and hit the bed. Hanzo is doing pretty good on his house and potty training. Aggravates the hound out of Miss Kitty and with her two front paws being declawed she cannot smack him with a "I mean business, bud" attitude. So she just tries to hiss at him and show her "big" teeth. Like that is going to do any good with a 7 week old german shepherd who looks like he could be 13-15 weeks old. He just looks at her and goes right back to chasing her! She jumped up on the back of the couch this afternoon and gave him the evil eye and believe me it was an evil eye. I thought at first she was looking at me, but then I seen it was he could care! Right now Vincent is outside with him so Hanzo can do his nightly duties and get ready for bed. Vincent is finding out how tiring it is to have to get up with a baby at night...I have to chuckle at the thought of him getting up! Well, gotta go for now...

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

So cute! Hope you have a good day!