Saturday, April 7, 2007

Fun Day

New crayola crayons, hmmmmm, can't you smell them, new crayons, nothing like a new box....just look at them, fresh points on the end, no broken ones, pretty colors, I love it....seems like I have a memory of going shopping before Christmas when us kids were smaller and getting a new christmas coloring book, (not the ones like nowadays that have the pictures to color, puzzles to do, etc.), real coloring books with pictures of santa claus, reindeer, christmas trees decorated, presents wrapped, and we could choose the colors that we wanted the tree and presents to be. When we were kids they were called presents not gifts as we call them now. And we would also get a new box of crayola crayons. Could not be anything but crayola. Heck Mom and I still by new boxes of crayola crayons every time back-to-school time arrives.....although I don't do it alot now, I love to color, it is so relaxing to lay on the floor and color. Ask Vincent, he colored for three days a year or so ago when we ha the big ice storm and everybody (i think) in Greenville County was out of power. He colored by kerosene lamp light. Oh how I miss those days of childhood (sometimes!).
Mom, Alpha and I had a good time today. We signed up (some 2 months ago) for a Tombow Marker Watercolor class at Stamps and More and today was the big day. We had such a good time, then we went to Pizza House in Powdersville, (yes there are two of them now, brothers!) and then Atlanta Bread Company for a Kona Mocha Cafechillo (Alpha had straight black coffee). We had such a fun time. Then I left there and went to Wayne and Tina's for Courtney to highlight my hair. Got home around 6:00 p.m. It is now 11:00 and I am tired....Hope I sleep better tonight!


camport said...


Just responding to your comment on my blog. Thanks! And isn't Kal awesome?? Her and I are blog buddies that met through Ali E blog. We were each others first commenters.

I see on your profile that you're from SC! I am from SC!! We are in AZ right now on a travel assignment, but we have a house in Darlington. Where in SC are you?!?

I don't have any other online friends from'd be interesting to get you know you.

:) Chrissy

nancysmith said...

I currently live in Taylors, SC, but originally from Travelers Rest, which is in northern greenville county, towards Hendersonville, Brevard, NC, depends on which highway you take! I would be happy to get to know you too. You are my first commenter and actually my first blog I have every commented on. This blogging thing is a little new to me, but I would love to have someone to blog to that scrapbooks too. My mom and I have tried to get my sister involved in it b/c she is so creative, but with 2 teenagers 1 year apart, yeah and we thought she was the one with the brains in the family!!!! LOL, she does not have a lot of spare time. Can't wait to hear from you! Nancy