Here is the other picture I was going to put on the blog last night with Mom's picture but was too tired to find it and put it on. In mom's picture she might be a year older than I am in this one. I think I am either in the 1st grade or 2nd grade. What is the goofiness with my mouth, just kinda of notices it. Looks like I am an old woman missing my upper teeth!!!!! Moooommmmmmm, what am I doing that for!!!!! I crack myself up sometimes! Anyway, the pictures look sorta the same, same hair style, almost the same age. Vincent went to Clinton to shoot automatic weapons with a buddy of his, I spent most of the afternoon being lazy today. Trying to get geared up for work tomorrow. Might have to work til 4:30, get girls after I get off of work, have a eye doctor appointment to recheck my right eye on Tuesday at 4:00, church on Wednesday at 6:00, thursday FREE DAY, YAY!, Friday, have Dakota til 7:00 when Natasha gets off work, probably have to work Saturday and the week starts over again.....Guess I have better go and get ready for bed.

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