Thursday, March 15, 2007

Happy girls!

Take a look at this young, silly pre-teens!!!!!! I can still remember their names l-r, Cindy Richboug, Dawn ?, Barbie Frazier, Judy Patrick, Me, and Anna ?. Wonder where and what these girls are doing? Look at those curtains in the background!!!! and why are Anna and me putting a potato chip in our mouth, what's up with that? I can remember that night so well sitting around that kitchen table eating cake and potato chips. Look at those tuperware tumblers!!!!!!! This was the house on Haverford Drive......
Today was the usual day. Work, get off, come home, sit for a minute, wash a load of clothes, fold a load up, get something to eat, take trash to shop, run by the store to get our 5th gallon of milk, okay, maybe 3rd or 4th! Vincent says it is me drinking it all, I say it is him. I drink one oversized cup of chocolate milk in the morning and maybe a half a glass in the evening. Come home get ready for work the next day, and bed and hit the sack. It is 9:00 pm and I am ready for bed, looooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeee to sleep! I tell you I think I was a cat in another life!!!!!! L8tr.....................

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