Saturday, December 16, 2006

What A Day!

Allyssa seems to have a real fascination with this bear's hole in his pants!!!! This bear is on the sidewalk in Hendersonville, NC, right near the Mast General Store. Every year me, natasha, allyssa, mom, deborah, and asheton have tried to go to Hendersonville one weekend in December before Christmas to "shop", exchange Hallmark ornaments and just enjoy the company and the day. This year we added a new member of the "girls day out". Miss Dakota Kahl our newest member of our family enjoyed the day with us, but Natasha did not get to go, she was working. Of course, we spent most of the day trying to get Allyssa and Dakota's Santa pictures made since they had not been made yet. We went to the Blue Ridge Mall in Hendersonville first thinking that we could get in there early (before the crowd-LOL) and get out so we could head to Main Street since Mom and Deborah had to be back in Travelers Rest by 3:00 P.M. Boy was that a BIG MISTAKE. On this day the mall was hosting a "Breakfast and Magic Show" to begine at 11:00 A.M. and then an appearance by Santa (which happen to be around 11:40 A.M.) and then Santa would begin making pictures (which was about 12:00. Of course, by the time Mom is having a time with Dakota, not because she was not being good, but just because she is a 14 month on little girl that wants to play and not be held. And of course, we forgot the stroller
:-(. Allyssa really enjoyed the magic show though and Deborah got some shopping down in the meantime since Asheton need to try on some clothes for Deborah for christmas presents. After we left the mall, about 12:30 we went to Fatz to eat lunch and exchange our gifts. Then we headed to Main Street which I think was about 1:30 P.M.(?) We went to the Mast General Store, purchased a few items, came out of the store and then decided to go ahead and leave since it was 2:10 P.M. by then. We all piled back in the car and headed for TR. So much for our relaxing and mellow day! It's all good!!!!!!! But boy were we all wore out.

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