Sunday, December 31, 2006
Out with the old...

Saturday, December 30, 2006
Dakota loves this Water Globe
Friday, December 29, 2006
Hershey Kiss Baby!

Thursday, December 28, 2006
Remember This?
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
End Of 2006
The way this Ty Beanie Baby Christmas Bear looks is about the way we all are feeling right now (I think I speak for the majority of us!). Stuffed and pooped out! We are tired, pooped out, exhausted, run down, ready-for-it-to-be-over. Maybe not quit ready-for-it-to-be-over, but almost. Seems like after the gifts are open, the visits to friends and families' houses are done, the eating (and the crying because we ate too much) is done that the magic of it all ends. I asked Allyssa today if she had a good Christmas and she said "yes ma'am". I asked her if she got everything she thought she asked for and she said yes. I can safely say I did. A couple of things I got, I had just mentioned (Santa is a good listener!) Dakota got plenty of toys and clothes as well as Allyssa. She, Randy and Natasha baked cookies in her Easy-Bake Oven Christmas Day night. They were suppose to fix slushies tonight, but she had a date with Mom to spend the night since Mom would have them tomorrow anyway. Dakota had a big day at day care today apparently. When we got home, I gave her a snack, changed her diaper and she was ready for her nap. I usually lay down with her on my bed and get her to sleep. It normally takes me about 20-25 minutes to get her settled down enough to nap a little bit before her mom gets here to pick them up, but today she was out in less than 5 minutes and snoring to beat the band! You could hear her all the way down the hall. Allyssa was watching the DVD movie Waterboy with Papa until her mom came to get them. I woke Dakota up about 5 minutes before she got here. Sometimes when Dakota wakes up she starts shaking until the figures out where she is at. So I wake her up gently so she can ease into her surroundings once again. Went back to work today for 3 days and then another long week-end, WOO-HOO! Still thinking about the resolutions thing, gonna do a scrapbook page, but haven't quit got it down in my mind how I want it, or maybe I will just do a mini-book about it. Got a little scrapbooker's block going on right now. So much I want to do, so little time to do it in. Sometimes things run through my mind so fast I cannot even keep up with them, much less right them down. Ate lunch with Mom today at Subway. I only get 30 minutes so it is a eat-and-run lunch. She was so funny today, we were sitting there eating and then all of a sudden I say, I have to go. Instead of me wrapping my sandwich up to go (actually I was already done with it since I am used to eating in a hurry) she starts wrapping hers up really fast and she said "I love eating lunch with you"!!!! Of course, I knew she was being facicious since I had to run and she did not! There was a time when I did not have to rush off from lunch but those days are long gone. I don't think I will ever get to that point in my career again, especially where I am working at the present time. I sure do miss not having to rush around all the time. Well, gotta go and start my mind thinking about the mini-book of resolutions I am going to make, I think!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
It's gone again.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Young and Carefree!
Friday, December 22, 2006
"Kid-At-Heart" Hack!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
A "WILD" Night!
These two zebras decided that we were there to feed them only. At one time, had their heads nearly in the window! This trip to Hollywild was with Allyssa by herself. We fed the deer, these zebras, goats, a horse, camels, baby goats. There were llamas, 2 BIG, BIG cows and when I say big, I mean, BIG. They each weighed in at around 3200-3400 lbs. (yes pounds) and they drink about 60-70 gallons of water a day, and stand way, way over 7 feet! You would not believe how big they are. I got "head" butted on my hand by a baby goat, but let me tell you, just because he was a baby did not mean he did not pack a powerful "head-butt", my hand was sored for at least 20 minutes, got nibbled by the zebra and one of the goats, but that did not hurt. Allyssa enjoyed herself, wore herself out and was ready to hit the sack when we got home. Gotta go for now, it is 10:22 p.m. and I have to fold up a load of laundry and put another one in the dryer. Woo-Hoo!
Monday, December 18, 2006
Santa Pictures
Saturday, December 16, 2006
What A Day!
:-(. Allyssa really enjoyed the magic show though and Deborah got some shopping down in the meantime since Asheton need to try on some clothes for Deborah for christmas presents. After we left the mall, about 12:30 we went to Fatz to eat lunch and exchange our gifts. Then we headed to Main Street which I think was about 1:30 P.M.(?) We went to the Mast General Store, purchased a few items, came out of the store and then decided to go ahead and leave since it was 2:10 P.M. by then. We all piled back in the car and headed for TR. So much for our relaxing and mellow day! It's all good!!!!!!! But boy were we all wore out.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
I'm back for the moment!
Is this not a beautiful site? This was taken at the Travelers Rest Christmas Parade on December 9, 2006. She is so precious. When I seen her doing her little routine, I just wanted to pick her up and squeeze her. She was doing so good, looking at the instructor while she was dancing. She loves dance class. Every time we go by Karen's Dance she has to show me that she takes dance there!
I have not been able to get on the internet lately. Something to do with the signal between my computer and vincent's since we use a wireless router. You don't realize how much you depend on the internet until you cannot get on it. Technology is a great thing when all is well with it working, but when it decides to take a vacation, it can been a terrible thing!
Christmas is 2 weeks away and I have a few more gifts to purchase. No worries though. The items I need to get are common so I should not have a problem getting them. Am going to try to get the tree put up this week. I just really have not been in the christmas mood to put up any decorations or the tree. Not sure what the problem is. Going to Hendersonville this coming Saturday, the 16th. Our semi-annual trip (last year we did not get a chance to go) with me, Mom, Allyssa, Dakota, Deborah and Asheton. Natasha has to work and cannot go. We give a gift for each one going and this year is it going to be Hallmark ornaments. That is what it started out to be in the beginning and somehow we got off track with it.
Think I will go for now and hope that I can get back on the internet tomorrow to continue my blog.
Oh and Mom, I am still thinking about that "goldfish".! I think I will do a scrapbook page on it!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
What A Day!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
"Monkey on her shoulder"!

Almost Thanksgiving!

This was Allyssa last Thanksgiving. Actually this is the day after when we went on our usual get-up-way-too-early to shop on Black Friday. This picture was taken right before we got out of the car at home. She was completely wore out. But if I am recalling correctly, she did pretty good for a 4-year-old who had been awake since 4:30 A.M.! She is going to take off with us again this year also. Let's see how she does!!!!!!
Can't wait for turkey and dressing. I can almost taste it now! We are going to mom and dad's house again this year. Not sure at this point who all is going to be there. Natasha, Randy and the girls will be in Gaffney with Randy's family this year. They spent Thanksgiving with us last year. Nick is suppose to come, we'll see! Vincent, me, mom and dad and I am not sure who else. Wayne and Tina are spending Thanksgiving with Tina's mom. Tina's dad passed away November 5, so I am sure it is going to be a tough time for the family. Tina's brother his wife and daughter are coming in from up north to have dinner with them.
One more working day and then we have Thanksgiving Day! Woo-Hoo. Hope the weather is good.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Cute snowmen!

Cute little snowmen aren't they? Today Vincent and I have been married 10 years. Don't seem like that long. Feeling about the same today. I am thinking it is either sinus drainage or a head cold. Not quite sure which one. Weather is cold and windy. It rained all day yesterday and through the night. Been cloudy most of the day today and cold with the wind blowing. Vincent is watching CSI on the Spike channel while I am in here piddling around. I am going to go in there in just a minute to watch the new season of CSI. Love that show!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Wish I was there now!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Two Beauties!
Monday, November 13, 2006
my brother the fireman!