I need Spring.....
Although I enjoy getting a little cold and having a small amount of snow before Spring arrives, I have decided today that this is enough of the cold weather....
Back in November the day before Thanksgiving, i was at work and had a chick-fil-a sandwich that i was going to heat in the microwave for lunch. Now I know in the back of my mind that these sandwiches are wrapped in a foil-lined wrap, but didn't think one minute about tossing that sandwich in the microwave..... i was standing there, just waiting on the timer to "ding", listening to the jibber-jabber of co-workers as they were eating lunch, when another co-worker, stumbling over her words was telling me to check my sandwich, it was on fire....yes, you heard correctly it was on fire, so intelligent me opens the door, pulls out the sandwich and proceeds to blow out the flames, of course black ashes are floating and flying everywhere, co-workers stop jibbing and are watching me not sure of what just happened! The first thing I thought of was grabbing the fire extinguisher, then deciding against it, than I thought, crap, what am I going to do for lunch now.....
Believe it or not, my sandwich was not harmed in this catastrophe and lunch continued in the canteen as usual...... Of course, after lunch several people asked me what happen and I reiterated the story with my laughing so hard at myself that I could hardly tell them what happen.
Life goes on....
Now since it has been sooo dang cold outside, I took my lunch on Friday, plus my Mom had told me she had plans so we were not going to meet as usual for our Friday lunch. I get to work about to freeze in my tracks, because, let's face it, I DO NOT LIKE COLD WEATHER AND IT WAS IN THE LOW 20'S, so I am trying to get everything together to jump in my truck to head to work. Go to walk out the door and what happens? I drop my lunch, I bend down to pick it up and head on out to my vehicle and head to work. Get in the parking lot, park, turn ignition off, put keys in pocketbook. I already have the plan in my mind as I get ready to get out, slowly walking fast, if that is possible, to get inside. Employee badge, check, pocket book, check, my "down-time-never-g0-anywhere-without-it" bag with my "emergency equipment" of a Food Network magazine, calendar, new book about journal spilling, and of course my colored pencils and markers, check, coffee, check, coat zipped up, check, lunch, check.
I get out of the truck and start to walk and what happens, yes, i dropped my lunch AGAIN. Now i had a plate of pork chop, green beans, creamed potatoes and a canned pepsi and a energy drink. After a few choices thoughts, I reach down to get the lunch and hoping that it mostly stayed in the container, saying to myself, "I don't believe this is happening, not once, but twice".
I get inside safely without the psycho lunch harming anymore precious time, clock in and go to my work space to try and salvage it. Now the container it was in was tin pie plate which had a plastic cover that fit snuggly over it, before it has been dropped 2 times. The second I pull it out of the bag to rearrange it, my friend at work says, "Nancy, you can't heat that at lunch in that pie plate. You know that, right?" Heck no, I wasn't thinking about that and Heck yes I would have put it in there. So now I have to find a paper plate to change everything.
My day proceeds smoothly thinking the whole time how good lunch was going to be, finally lunch arrives. I take my mouth-watering lunch to the breakroom to heat up, put it in the microwave, everything is going well, then I get ready to take it out and the plastic cover has started to melt, just my luck. I was thinking to myself, I hope no one has seen this idiot pulling another one of her crazy stunts. I quickly get it out and nearly run out the door to get back to my lunch table.
As it turns out, nothing was ruined and I thoroughly enjoyed my lunch to the fullest. Just another day in the life of me!!!