Today was a "sick" day for me. I woke up this morning and as I started to get ready for work, it just did not want to deal with it. So I took a sick day. I had lunch with Mom and Allyssa (since school was out due to the President's Day holiday, and then I came home and have done NOTHING except play around in my journal. My brother Wayne texted me with a copy of a book asking of that is the kind of book I have been looking for. (I have been looking for hard-back approx. 200 page, books to make altered books from.) I said yes. He and Tina were at the Greenville Habitat for Humanity Store on Rutherford Road and found some that he was going to pick up for me. Sweet! Mom and Allyssa were going to see little Miss Mary (Hudson) from church who is in a nursing home right now for rehabilation. Miss Mary loves Allyssa and Allyssa loves to go visit her. Allyssa has enjoyed going to nursing homes since she was around 3 years old.
The wind of blowing something fierce outside. I am waiting on the roof of the house to blow right off. I can imagine how two of the Three Little Pigs felt when the big bad wolf was blowing down their houses! But the sun has been shining all day and the temperature has been comfortable. So that is a very good thing. I am waiting on spring!