Saturday, June 30, 2007
VBS is over for a year!
Ok, VBS is over until next year. I am glad really. It has not been fun this year. Too much rushing around for me with the getting the girls ready and all. Dealing with Miss Kitty, working, TIRING. Going to have sushi tonight and just relax. Miss Kitty is a little bit more active, but still not eating that I can see, she is drinking a little, I am still giving her the antibiotic though. Hopefully by Monday, she will be feeling a little better. She is wanting to go outside, which is a good sign that she might be on the road to recovery. I hope so. Cleaned house this morning, had lunch with my completely worn-out Mom; had a spur of the moment thought to run by The Scrapbook Company on the way home, got a package of brads, and 2 sheets of tag embellishments, not much more interested me today. Came home, cut grass took a shower and took a little nap. Gotta go for now.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
One more day!
Well, we have one more day of VBS. It has literally worn me out this year. I took Miss Kitty to the vet today. As of this writing, it seems she has been biten by something. She is on an antibiotic, was given iv fluids, a shot for her vomiting and some bland (but tasty according to the vet), don't ask me if she has tasted it, cat food. If she is not better in the AM, I am suppose to take her back for blood work, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. I sure hope she is better. I worried about her all day while I was at work. Afraid of what I would find when I got home, but there she was in our bedroom, (where she has spent most of her time the last 3 days). Well, short post tonight. I am getting ready to hit the sack!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
This has been a tiring week!
We have had Vacation Bible School all week and it has been tiring. Getting up at 5:00 am, get dressed, let the puppy out and feed and water him, (Vincent lets him back in before he goes to work) get to work at 6:00 am, off at 3:30 pm, pick the girls up at daycare at 3:45 pm, get home 4:00-4:15 pm, come in, let the puppy out, give him food and water, put him in his kennel, wash up, get clean clothes on, bring the puppy back in and back out the door at 5:00 pm, at church at 5:30 pm to eat a light dinner, VBS from 6:00 pm til 8:30 pm, take girls home and then I get home at 9:00-9:15 pm. Get ready for bed, try to wash or dry clothes, whichever I did not get a chance to do when I walked in at 4:00, get ready for bed, go to bed at 10:00 pm and start all over again the next morning. That is just exhausting typing and I am living it too. 2 more days.........I am off to bed now (a little early, woo-hoo) On top of all that my little kitty-cat, Miss Kitty, is not feeling well and I have to take her to the vet tomorrow at 4:45, $$$$$$$$$$$$$. Hope she gets to feeling better.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Hump Day!
Today was a fairly good day at work. Still working beside She-Devil, but we are still not talking and I do not intend on ever talking to her again. But my work day goes by fine. Probably better now that I don't have to listen to her blah, blah, blah all day long.
Did not have to get the girls today. Randy picked them up since he was off today. Allyssa is still attending basketball camp and is having a good time from what I hear. The weather is still hot here and probably will be for the next 3 months, usually lasts through September. Still dreaming of the beach and envying all the vacationers that are down there right now having a good time :-(
Guess I had better get going I have a few things that need to be done and if I don't do them now, they will not get done!!!!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Hot and more Hot....
The first picture is Vincent with Allyssa and Dakota at Frankie's Fun Park and the second one is of the waves crashing over the rocks at Venice Beach, CA, from last year's vacation. I sure would love to be sitting on one of those rocks right now. What is it about the beach that beacons us to come to it? Is it the way the waves just roll to shore so gracefully, or the way the water runs back into the vast sea of water, or maybe the sense of being so small when you look out over the ocean....I don't know what it is, but is it beaconing me real hard right now.....but there is no way I can get away to go right now....maybe before summer is over. Not much going on right now, just settling down to get to bed and start another day tomorrow. Allyssa is going to basketball camp at church this week and vacation bible school is next week. Not looking forward to the rush, rush of things for next week, i will be totalled worn out by Friday. Gotta go! :-)
Monday, June 18, 2007
Monday again??????
It is hot as blue blazes here, I think it was 92 degrees today and it is only JUNE. We will be sweltering by September.........if it is going to be this hot I need to be at the beach that was I can enjoy myself and be hot all at the same time, right? I am going to have to go for at least a long weekend before summer is over. I have to have to feel the sand on my feet and breathe the ocean air at least once this year.
Still cannot get my scrapbooking mind going. I don't know what it is. When I have the desire to scrapbook I am at work and when I get home from work and can scrapbook, I am too tired to sit down and do it after I do the usual stuff-that-has-to-be-done-when-one-gets home!!!!!!!!! Well, it is 9:50 pm here and I need to get a shower so I can get to bed and start another day tomorrow!
By the way, Chrissy, I still cannot find any of the Elsie line patterned papers. What is wrong with the scrapbook stores over here????????? Peace out!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Nothing going on around here except the lack of rain, but we did get some this week. Not enough to end the moderate drought but some. I have a third grandchild in the way by way of Natasha. Three children, she does not know what is in store for her!! She thinks here life is hectic now, just wait..... Hanzo is getting bigger by the day, if he keeps growing he is going to be the size of one of the small ponies! Miss Kitty is in her own little world, being intimidated by Hanzo because he knows she cannot hurt him b/c her front paws are declawed. She goes outside for a bit at a time. But she stays around the house not venturing off too far. Allyssa is glad school is out for the most part but misses her teacher and friends. But she gets to see her friends at day care more now. I went to pick her up on Wednesday, May 13 and when we got to leave she forgot her "little pink book with all my secrets in it".! It is her diary and she has it full of little things that she calls her secrets. I asked her a couple of weeks ago what she had in it and at first she said she could not tell me, but then she said, "I will let you read it but you cannot tell anyone"!!! It was so cute how she said it. She showed me some of the stuff she had wrote in it and of course I cannot tell you what it was but it was cuteness all over. We did find it so know one else could see her secrets! Love her so. Dakota is a little terror right now. She bit a little girl at the day care friday b/c the little girl tried to take her ball, she hit at me, hit at Allyssa b/c Allyssa would not give her what she had in her hand, (which was allyssa's anyway) and hit at Allyssa again when she was trying to keep her from falling off the bench outside while I was getting Hanzo in his kennel and it ended up poking Allyssa in the eye. And for all of those things she got her hand popped and you would have thought you were trying to abuse the child. She just cryed big alligator tears, but when I offered her a bit of ice cream, they disappeared like magic! Imagine that. Well, guess I had better get off for now.
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