Thursday, February 28, 2019

Why is it that it doesn't matter where a person works,  there are always those that get by with doing absolutely nothing....

I. Just. Don't. Get. It.

On a brighter note...

This sweet girl always makes me feel better when I come through the door after a long day's work.   She greets me at the door with
tail wagging wanting some loving. 

Anna this crazy weather we are having busy blows me away.  One day it's sunny and warm, the next day it's raining and miserable.  Only thing I'm thankful for is that we are not neck deep in snow and blizzard conditions.  

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

It's been a while....

I think the last time I  posted here was 2010. Wow, nine years. There has been a lot of changes in my life since then!

I have been blessed with three more grandchildren, Shay,  Mya and Jayda all of whom have joined the ranks of my son, Nicholas and his wife, Savannah.

I was divorced in 2009 and moved back to my hometown of Travelers Rest. Several years later I remarried. Arthur was 2 grades ahead of me in school. One of his brothers was in the same grade as me and I  knew of Arthur. Of course, if you ask Arthur he will tell you I didn't know him! But,  he says he knew who I was! Wonder how?

So, in October Arthur and I bought a house after renting for several years. Same neighborhood as my sister and brother-in-law which is nice. 

Well, I have caught you up pretty much. But there is more to come...

Stay tuned...