Monday, April 30, 2007

Just checking in....

Been having some problems with my signal for my internet since I am on a router to Vincent's modem. He seems to have fixed the problem now. We'll see. The days get better as far as the co-worker. I have too much other junk on my plate than to worry about her. Just found out we are going to be grandparents again. Natasha is 6 weeks, due date set for December 25. Too much to think about coming from my experienced mind, 3 kids, 3 of everything, daycare is sky high, no social life for them any more...but she is an adult by age, sometimes I don't think her mind has quite grasped the concept yet, she is always doing things backwards. I'll write more tomorrow, time for me to get in bed so I can get up after the snooze button goes off the 2nd time and not the 3rd or 4th or for that matter not hear it at all and then Vincent has to wake me up and ask me if I am going to work. What I would like to say is no, no, no, don't make me go!!!!!!!!!!!