Monday, March 26, 2007

Pleasant Monday!

What a beautiful sunset! This was another picture taken during our beach trip in February, 2005. That was the year when Mom, Dad, me, Natasha, Allyssa, Wayne, Tina, Courtney, Lauren, Brittni and Chandler went. Mom and Dad was there for the week, the rest of us for a couple of days. I could be sitting right there on that sandy beach watching this sunset pretending that I did not have a care in the world. That's was you do on vacation, right. Forget about every day "things" and just enjoy the moment. Seize the moment, wishing the world would stand still. Miss Kitty is lounging here in from of me on my computer desk and yawning, like she don't have a care in the world. Wait....she don't have a care in the world. We make sure she has food, water, clean litter box, let her outside to explore, come back in and sleep, eat, sleep, eat, sleep. Sounds like a winner to me. George Clooney is in town right now. I say that like he is a relative or something!!!!! He is filming some segments to his romantic comedy Leatherheads. Mom and Carol got to get glimpses of him yesterday and got some pics. Mom and I went by the old Travelers Rest High School football field where the filming is being done on Saturday, but he was no where to be found and don't think we did not try to find him!!!!

Today has been a pretty pleasant day. Went to work, got off of work, went to the credit union to try and deposit a check that Vincent signed over to me and the girl said she could not take it b/c he was not on my account, got into it with her, left the drive thru with her still talking, then a mexican was taking 2 lanes at a stop light, had to tell him to get over in his lane, yes his window was down and so was mine.....then went on down the road and 2 more vehicles, driven by mexicans pulled over in my lane in front of me, fussed at them and then if that was not enough, I get stuck at the railroad crossing at Edwards Road and the train decides to come to a complete stop, sit there 10 minutes, it never moves, so finally decide to turn around and go another route. Other than that, I had a pleasant day!!!!! I am really laughing out loud right now, because as I type this, it sounds like something out of a comedy book or show. Do things like this really happen, "as a matter of fact, they do cubby"!!!!! My famous line from the movie Mask with Jim Carrey.....

Natasha was off today and tomorrow so I will not have the girls until Wednesday. Natasha is coming to eat lunch with me tomorrow. Had to turn the air conditioner on last night, I finally had had enough sweating and hot flashes.....well, guess i had better go for is getting late and I have to get a shower before bed! . By the way, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie that opened in theaters Friday was the #1 box office seller over the weekend. Nick loved the ninja turtles, he was always leonardo! Cowabunga, Dude!!!!!!!!!!