Saturday, March 31, 2007

Taking it easy...

Is this not just the cutest little picture of the duck trying to catch the drop of water and the other ducks playing in the puddles!!!!!! I found this in the vintage newletter I get when they have new things for each holiday that rolls around! They have cute little pictures of different things! Anyway, trying to take it easy, still having dizziness, tired, etc.... Mom and I went to AC Moore today. She had a tea at church from 11:00 til 1:00 and then she came by and picked me up. AC Moore is starting to carry alot of different name brand embellishments, etc. Could stay in there for hours, no wait, we did stay in there for hours....LOL....maybe a couple of hours. Mom had them make arrangements for Grandma and Grandpa's gravesites so we had to wait for them to get those done, not that we minded one bit!!!!! Vincent and I went for a motorcycle ride to Cracker Barrel in Hendersonville, then back through Traveler Rest and then home...nice little ride! Well, guess I had better go for now.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Will I ever feel better?..........

My Easter beauties! This was from last year at Easter....such pretty little babies! I love the way the color of the plastic eggs came out too. Since Monday I have been having dizzy spells, some headaches and just feeling yuck, yuck, yucky. Today I had a dizzy spell that was a little worse than the others so I had my blood pressure checked at work. It was high but my heart rate was high too and it concerned the guy taking my bp. He told me to call my doctor and let them know the problems I was having, which I did. Dr. Hammond wanted me to come in, which I did. I told him when he came in the room I was having "Dr. Hammond withdrawals"!!!!!! The nurse had checked my b/p and it was still a little high and when he came in it was checked for the 3rd time and it was still high. He also checked my heart rate which was high. He said it was not dangerously high, but racing. So he gave me some medication called Toprol XL that I have to take for 2 weeks. It is a beta blocker that is suppose to level out my anxiousness, I am to stay on the Benicar and Cymbalta and call him back in 3 weeks to let him know if I am feeling any better. If I am not, I have to go back in to see him. I told him about the little "pains" I feel like I get near my heart and the numbness in my fingers sometimes. "AM I HAVING A HEART ATTACK"!!!!, I ask. How hypocondriac is that. He chucked and said no you are not having a heart attack and we are going to get you feeling better. He put me out of work until March 4. I am to do nothing except rest or take a walk, nothing strenuous or tiring. Of course, every thing I do I go at it like a bat out of hades. I told him I guess I would have to go home and lay around and he said that is exactly what I want you to do, nice to hear a doctor tell you that, huh? You mean I can go home and do absolutely nothing, nothing at all??????????? RIGHT!!!!!! Exactly how is that done, do they give out directions of out to "DO NOTHING" all day??????? Is there a instructional DVD or handbook available! I just LOL at myself sometimes. I have been "busy" doing something for as long as I can remember and how do I stop doing that exactly????????? Hope I am not graded on it or anything! Well, I guess I will go in here and DO NOTHING, like go to bed! Don't let the bed bugs bite.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Pleasant Monday!

What a beautiful sunset! This was another picture taken during our beach trip in February, 2005. That was the year when Mom, Dad, me, Natasha, Allyssa, Wayne, Tina, Courtney, Lauren, Brittni and Chandler went. Mom and Dad was there for the week, the rest of us for a couple of days. I could be sitting right there on that sandy beach watching this sunset pretending that I did not have a care in the world. That's was you do on vacation, right. Forget about every day "things" and just enjoy the moment. Seize the moment, wishing the world would stand still. Miss Kitty is lounging here in from of me on my computer desk and yawning, like she don't have a care in the world. Wait....she don't have a care in the world. We make sure she has food, water, clean litter box, let her outside to explore, come back in and sleep, eat, sleep, eat, sleep. Sounds like a winner to me. George Clooney is in town right now. I say that like he is a relative or something!!!!! He is filming some segments to his romantic comedy Leatherheads. Mom and Carol got to get glimpses of him yesterday and got some pics. Mom and I went by the old Travelers Rest High School football field where the filming is being done on Saturday, but he was no where to be found and don't think we did not try to find him!!!!

Today has been a pretty pleasant day. Went to work, got off of work, went to the credit union to try and deposit a check that Vincent signed over to me and the girl said she could not take it b/c he was not on my account, got into it with her, left the drive thru with her still talking, then a mexican was taking 2 lanes at a stop light, had to tell him to get over in his lane, yes his window was down and so was mine.....then went on down the road and 2 more vehicles, driven by mexicans pulled over in my lane in front of me, fussed at them and then if that was not enough, I get stuck at the railroad crossing at Edwards Road and the train decides to come to a complete stop, sit there 10 minutes, it never moves, so finally decide to turn around and go another route. Other than that, I had a pleasant day!!!!! I am really laughing out loud right now, because as I type this, it sounds like something out of a comedy book or show. Do things like this really happen, "as a matter of fact, they do cubby"!!!!! My famous line from the movie Mask with Jim Carrey.....

Natasha was off today and tomorrow so I will not have the girls until Wednesday. Natasha is coming to eat lunch with me tomorrow. Had to turn the air conditioner on last night, I finally had had enough sweating and hot flashes.....well, guess i had better go for is getting late and I have to get a shower before bed! . By the way, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie that opened in theaters Friday was the #1 box office seller over the weekend. Nick loved the ninja turtles, he was always leonardo! Cowabunga, Dude!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Bike Ride

Look at that cute little girl 3 seat back on the first set of desks. Right in front on my best friend then, Rusty Moore. I think we used to walk home from school together. Take a look at those white socks with those dress shoes, STYLING!!!!!. Some of the girls have their Girl Scout Brownie uniform on. I must not have been in their troop, b/c I don't have mine on. Sure wish I had that uniform now. Don't know what happen to it, nor the little gold brownie pin, or tie....anyway.....We went on a bike ride after we left Mom and Dad's house where we stopped by after we ate lunch for cake. We did not go to Highlands, NC, where we intended to go because it was raining in Brevard, NC. So we took a nap and then our intention was to go to Cracker Barrel in Hendersonville, NC, but when we got there it was crowded so we rode on through Chimney Rock, since the shops were not open for the season yet and then came back home and ended up eating at Arby's near out house. Pretty long ride, 168+/- miles to eat in Taylors, SC, don't you think!!!!!!! It was a good ride though, the weather was really nice. Tired right now, since it is 10:20 p.m. I need to get to bed since I have to be at work at 6:00 a.m. yuck, yuck.....don't want to back later!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Cutie Pie!

This 2 year old cutie pie was giving Mom such a time today! Can you really see her doing that.............! Allyssa was in a rare mood when she got to Mom's today from school. Did not want to listen, wanted everyone to do things HER way, had her mother's stubborn streak.....I went by Mom's after I left work and picked up Dakota after Mom called with desperation in her voice, "come and pick one one them up"!!!!!! I have to laugh now about it, b/c I know exactly what she was going through. So I figured, since Allyssa told her today that she did not ever play with her anymore since Dakota has been born, I would take Dakota off her hands and give her a little bit of breathing space. Since Allyssa don't have to be chased around to make sure she is staying out of things!!! Mom has been painting Dad's bathroom for 2 weeks now....he did not like the first color which was the color of a Kona Mocha Cafechillo iced drink from Atlanta Bread Company, (Mom and my favorite pasttime outside of scrapbook shops!), so she had to go lighter and it is taking her a little longer than usual. She was tired and her back was hurting too. Hope you feel better now Mom! Typical day at work, same ole junk going on as it does in any work place, people pretending to be your friend and when you are not around talk junk about you, don't quite understand why people do that, but they do. Hmmmmm. Vincent had to take a ride to Charleston with his job and then do some work on a jet ski......I have got a little bit of junk to do now so I am going to go.................PLAY DAY SATURDAY, WOO HOO!!!!!!! :-)

Monday, March 19, 2007

What a day....

My sweet angel Allyssa with Destiny a friend of hers at school. This was the one and only picture I could take at the Suessical, a Dr. Suess play-musical that I chaperoned March 8, 2007. This was before it got started and they both are putting on lip gloss as you can see from Destiny's hand and their beautiful shining lips!!!!!! The P.E. teacher and traffic director from their school, Mr. Miles, died suddenly Thursday night, April 15, 2007. Allyssa liked him so much as he did her. He always watched out for Allyssa. She is doing ok with it, but if she has not seen you since it happened she will tell you he died. The whole school will miss him as he was loved by everyone. Today was a beautiful day. Had to work and was inside except for lunch and I went outside during the last break before getting off. Picked up my snowman stamp from Anderson Stamp and Engraving. Looks good. I have a eye doctor appointment tomorrow with Dr. Phillips for a recheck on my right eye. Vincent had a good day at work, his first official day working at R.J. Shirley's. He and another guy, Mike, had to make a run to Charleston and have to go back Wednesday. He is driving a tractor-trailer truck right now, until he gets his CDL to operate a crane. Did not have to get the girls today. I had a "play" day. Natasha was off today. Not that I had anything to do, I had a headache from not taking my bp medicine this morning. By the time I got to the drug store yesterday, they were closed, so I could not pick it up till this afternoon and by then my head had started hurting. Came home and laid down for a little bit til Vincent got home. Well, guess I had better go get ready for bed, at 5:30 in the morning it is "Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it's off to work I go........." Seems like that is all I do anymore!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Abundant sunshine!

As I was watching the weather channel yesterday waiting on Natasha to pick me up to meet Mom at Taco Casa for lunch, the outlook for yesterday and today was "abundant sunshine". I have never quite heard it put that way. Usually it is lots of sunshine, plenty of sunshine, but never abundant sunshine. There was abundant sunshine yesterday and there has been so far today. But I also think of the abundant sunshine in my life....great husband, great parents, great friends, great fellowship at lunch today, great blessings in our lives that we tend to not think about on a daily basis. Abundant blessings is what we have and should be greatful daily for them. Just a little rambling on my part today. Did a little work outside after we came back from church and lunch now I could take a nap, but not sure what I am going to do. The guy Vincent was suppose to meet to pick up a jet ski to work on did not show up, so we did not have to work on a jet ski today like we thought. Good in a way, not so good in a way either, no work, no pay!
Oh well, all is good! Think I will ponder a little more on the abundant sunshine!!!!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Thank Goodness for Friday....

My Nickypoo!!!!!!! Seems like yesterday that he was dressing up like a army soldier in his camo and climbing trees and running through the wooded area of our house on Williams Road.....where has the time gone. Now he is almost 21 years old, working full time, pretty much settled down with his girlfriend Ashley. Today is Friday and we don't have to work tomorrow, woo-hoo. I am sleeping in, woo-hoo. I don't know how to act.....
Had a regular day today, worked til 3:30, got off, Vincent and I picked up Dakota, ran by Home Depot to get Vincent a new pair of safety glasses. He starts his first official work day tomorrow at RJ Shirley's, his new place of employment. Has to take the tractor-trailer loaded with something to Charleston and pick up a LowBoy to bring back. He and Jamie are going together and following the 250-ton crane, (I think). He is so excited he has not quit talking about it........I am so excited that he is going to be bringing home some money, I can't quite thinking about it!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, going to the mall with Mom tomorrow and then AC Moore to check on some die cuts for her new Cuttlebug die-cutting and embossing machine she has. Might pick up a few scrapbook supplies, since I don't have enough as it is!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Happy girls!

Take a look at this young, silly pre-teens!!!!!! I can still remember their names l-r, Cindy Richboug, Dawn ?, Barbie Frazier, Judy Patrick, Me, and Anna ?. Wonder where and what these girls are doing? Look at those curtains in the background!!!! and why are Anna and me putting a potato chip in our mouth, what's up with that? I can remember that night so well sitting around that kitchen table eating cake and potato chips. Look at those tuperware tumblers!!!!!!! This was the house on Haverford Drive......
Today was the usual day. Work, get off, come home, sit for a minute, wash a load of clothes, fold a load up, get something to eat, take trash to shop, run by the store to get our 5th gallon of milk, okay, maybe 3rd or 4th! Vincent says it is me drinking it all, I say it is him. I drink one oversized cup of chocolate milk in the morning and maybe a half a glass in the evening. Come home get ready for work the next day, and bed and hit the sack. It is 9:00 pm and I am ready for bed, looooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeee to sleep! I tell you I think I was a cat in another life!!!!!! L8tr.....................

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Tired, tired, tired.....

This is how I totally feel right now. SOOOOOO TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I was a cat in another life or maybe another 9 other lives!!!!! I can totally relate to this 2 photos. The one of Dakota was taken by Natasha. She was outside her backdoor one night, smoking a cigarette of course, and Dakota wandered out there with her with her blanket. Natasha laid the blanket down on the porch and Dakota crawled up on it and fell completely to sleep, now that is what I am talking about!!!!!! Of course, this is the life of Miss Kitty. Sleep, eat, go to the bathroom, play outside for a "few minutes" and I mean a few minutes, she does not stay out there long, come in and go back to sleep again. I think I am going to go get ready for bed and try that sleep thing myself!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

lazy day...

Take a look at you guys, just babies!!!!!!! I guess I was the one taking the picture, but I don't recall ever seeing one of these pictures with me in it...what's up with that?????? Anyway, I am not sure what year this picture was taken, but it is evident by the christmas tree in the background it must have been Christmas! LOL!!!
Here is the other picture I was going to put on the blog last night with Mom's picture but was too tired to find it and put it on. In mom's picture she might be a year older than I am in this one. I think I am either in the 1st grade or 2nd grade. What is the goofiness with my mouth, just kinda of notices it. Looks like I am an old woman missing my upper teeth!!!!! Moooommmmmmm, what am I doing that for!!!!! I crack myself up sometimes! Anyway, the pictures look sorta the same, same hair style, almost the same age. Vincent went to Clinton to shoot automatic weapons with a buddy of his, I spent most of the afternoon being lazy today. Trying to get geared up for work tomorrow. Might have to work til 4:30, get girls after I get off of work, have a eye doctor appointment to recheck my right eye on Tuesday at 4:00, church on Wednesday at 6:00, thursday FREE DAY, YAY!, Friday, have Dakota til 7:00 when Natasha gets off work, probably have to work Saturday and the week starts over again.....Guess I have better go and get ready for bed.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Good day....

Take a look at this sexy little girl!!!!!! This is none other than my beautiful mom. Take a look at those carver cheeks, teeheehee....I wish this picture was of better quality, but it is not unfortunately. But I still have the most beautiful mom in the world! Love ya mom!

Had a good day with Mom today. I worked this morning, then we went to Eleanor's Stamps and More and browzed and bought, and browzed and bought. We really should be using the "stuff" we buy instead of buying more. And we intend to do just that. Hopefully on one of the next couple of saturdays we are going to get together with about 8 of our friends and just "play"!!!!!! By the way, mom, add Ann Tankersley to that list! Cannot forget her... I cannot wait, although I am not sure I will get anything done, because I like to talk about it to much and see what everybody else is doing.

When we left there, we went and had lunch at Zaxby's in Powdersville and then met Vincent at Atlanta Bread Company at Cherrydale Plaza in Greenville for our favorite frozen treat, Kona Mocha Cafechillo with whipped cream please!!! Even bought Vincent one! After that Mom went on to Lowes to get paint to paint Dad's bathroom and Vincent and i went to Walmart got a few things, took the items home, went to Blockbuster in Greer to see if they had the DVD Eurotrip and then went to eat at Corona Mexican Restaurant. I had Beef Fahitas and I could not tell you want Vincent had but he ate it all and then some of mine, since I never can eat it all. Then we left and came home. I am tired now.

Think I will go and relax and then call it a night.....

Friday, March 9, 2007

Feeling better.....

I am feeling better right now. No aches and pains, but sinus drainage and cough, little headache. This first picture is of my Nickypoo in 2004 when the church went skiing and I went with them. Nick snowboarded, but I could not get to the slopes where they were at. The snow was beautiful though especially with the sun shining on it. We all had a good time. The other picture is of my sweet brother Wayne. I am not sure how old he was 2 or 3 maybe, but he sure was enjoying that sprinkler, lol!!!!!!!!! If I am remembering correctly, those are chicken coops at the top of the picture behind the lawn chairs. Am I right, Mom? Went with Allyssa to see the "Suessical" yesterday. Was feeling sooo bad, but I knew she would not understand if I said I was sick and could not go so I trudged on..... It was a really good musical, at times the kids were getting bored and restless, but for the most part they all did very well. They would not allow us to take pictures so I only got one picture of Allyssa and Destiny. Then was out of work today due to being sick. Well, I am getting hot and thirsty, so I am going to go get me a glass of ice water. Later....

Monday, March 5, 2007


These pics are from when we went to Texas Roadhouse for Dakota's birthday, (like she picked that place for us to eat!). After we ate of course, they brought out this piece of chocolate cake for her and sang happy birthday to you think she was enjoying that cake???????? She had the time of her life!!! She had it all over her and the floor!
Tonight I am very tired. Worked til 3:30, got the girls, went home. This was one of those days that they both wanted to see just how far they could get doing things that they both know they should not be doing.....tried my patience more than once. Then Dakota got mad about something Allyssa was doing and went charging after hurt to hit her...yes that almost 17 month old was actually CHARGING after Allyssa and had her hands up in the air to hit her in the back. If I had not have been there she would have hit her. I don't remember any of the other kids learning to do that at that age or am I just not REMEMBERING IT!
Anyway, I am going to go get ready for bed. I am probably going to have to work the rest of the week until 4:30 and I thought I was tired today....yuck, yuck, yuck.....

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Growing Up Too Fast!

This picture was taken of Asheton at her field day in April, 2003 I think that is the year). She is growing up way, way too fast. Still all into basketball, plays for Travelers Rest High School as well as her brother, Zach. They both run track for the high school as well. Seems like only yesterday they were babies and now mini-adults! Don't grow up too fast, enjoy your high school years....

Saturday, March 3, 2007

My girls!

My beautiful, so precious, so different!!!!! I love this picture of Allyssa with her natural smile and silly dakota showing her belly....who does she get that from?!!!!!!! Had to work today, but then me and Mom went to the Open Book and had a high school friend of mine who is an author of children's books sign our copies of her book for Dakota and Allyssa. Then went to Taco Casa to eat lunch and then to A.C. Moore. Love that store.......wind is blowing something terrible today, but the sun is out and brightly shining, beautiful day. My intention when I came home this afternoon was to try to scrapbook a little bit, but as of now I have not gotten there. I had to upload my pics from my camera on the computer since I had about 150 of them. Then I got attention deficit disorder, I think. So I am going to try to do some other things since I did not get started on the scrapbooking! I just noticed that the two pictures taken above are exactly 1 month apart! How weird!!!!!! L8tr!