Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Well, I went to the hospital to get some answers.............Jennifer was taken down for a CT scan today, I think they said she had a chest x-ray and tomorrow she is scheduled for an ultrasound to check to make sure she does not have any blood clots. The nurse that came on duty at 7:00 pm was very helpful when we asked questions. I stayed in their with Jennifer while he checked all her vital signs and she was doing good. She did have a temperature of 101 under the arm and he was going to order some tylenol for her. They had increased her sedation with is Propofol, I think, when they took her down for the scan. The nurse decreased it and said that they were going to keep decreasing it to try and wean her off of it. She was breathing some on her own but was still on the respirator. The respiratory therapist came in also and checked her vitals, cleaned the tube, etc. and everything looked good. Another medication she is on is Heparin, not sure about that one, Lidocane, not sure if that is related to the Heparin and she was also given some Morphine today.

The mothering instinct in me wants to just lift her to me and hold her and tell her everything is going to be ok, but I know that I cannot do that. Sometimes I feel so "fake". I know how I have felt in the past with everything that has gone on with Mitchell and Jennifer and I know that I have not been the Christian that I should be. I should have forgave Mitchell for some things he did. Stealing from his own family for his drug addiction, but I did not. There is alot of trust that needs to be made up by him. He has said so many times that he had changed and it never happened. You still have the thoughts that "is he telling us another one or is he for real this time". Jennifer has been through a lot with him and her family. Her mother dying 2 years ago has not been easy for her either.

He says that when Jennifer gets better and Brittni gets better that there are going to be some changes. I told him that it is not going to be a easy road, its going to be hard, it is not going to come to him. They have never really been a family and it is going to take some time to build that up for them.

He just looks at her and then he says "isn't she beautiful, she's my baby". I asked him, "has it taken this to happen for you to see that?" and he told me "no, I have known it all along. She is still as beautiful to me today as she was 21 years ago". I said have you told her that and he said "yes and I tell her I love her and she always says no you don't". And he just chuckled to himself. We were looking at the monitor and watching her blood pressure cuff expanding and it read her bp. He asked me if her bp was good and what is is normally. I told him 120/80. hers was 167/63. I said I am on blood pressure medication and he said I am supposed to be on it, but I don't take it. I have it with me but I just don't take it. I turned to him and said, "do you want to end of like Jennifer" and we looked at her and he said no. And I said then you better start taking care of yourself.

Brittni is doing fine. She is going to be discharged probably Friday. She was working on a little scrapbook for her mom when we left.

We will be going back tomorrow so I will have an update then.................

Jennifer and Brittni

Yesterday we got a call from my baby brother that Jennifer, my sister-in-law was in the hospital due to collapsing and having 2 cardiac arrests. She was on life support in CCU (critical care unit). This was the first time anyone had heard from him in a couple of weeks when Mom had surgery. We found out that Brittni, my niece and Mitch and Jennifer's daughter, had been in the hospital for several days before this happened to Jennifer due to a problem with vomiting and severe stomach pain. We also just found out that Brittni had been having this problem for a couple of years and had been to the ER several times in the last several months. Alot has gone on over the past several years with Mitchell doing some things that he should not have done and he just became distance with the family.

We went to the hospital yesterday and stayed there the rest of the day. Jennifer was being sedated heavily due to her becoming agitated when she was not sedated. The nurse said that her heart was so irritated from the cardiac arrests that it was best right now just to let her rest. They could not do any testing until later. At this point, we did and still do not know what is wrong with her. It could be a medication reaction, she had been to the doctor on Monday and they had either started her on a new medication or changed her meds and she had not felt right all day. We still don't know what is wrong with Brittni either. They have run the light down her throat checking for an ulcer and anything else, nothing. The doctor did take 2 biopsies and the results will come later. Today they did an upper GI to check the gall bladder (why are they just now checking the gb?) and some things that cannot be seen with the light. Still nothing. At the writing they were discussing whether to discharge her.

Mitchell is handling the situation the best he can right now. He is pulled in 2 directions knowing that Jennifer is critical right now. Brittni is not doing to good emotionally because she seen her mom collapse. The nurses were not getting there fast enough and knowing that there was nothing she could do was not good.

Chandler my nephew is doing ok. He knows that there is not much that he can do either. But he did say that if this had to happen to his mom, he was glad that she was at the hospital, because she would not have made it if she had been home and had to wait for EMS provided she could dial 911 since she is home by herself.

When there is a critical situation like this, I had found out just yesterday how confusing the medical staff can be. One minute they tell you that you cannot talk to or touch Jennifer, no more than 2 people in the room, then the next minute they tell Mitch he can kiss her and talk to her and they let 3 people in the room. None of them can tell you anything, and you just walk around like you are in some kind of a fog. The mother is me wants to scream out, WE WANT AND NEED SOME ANSWERS. How long can she stay like that? What is going to happen next, what kind of test are you running on her. Then the nurses tell you, (if you are not the wife or husband) "we cannot tell you anything, you have to ask the spouse), but then turn around and tell you some information and you are sitting there thinking in your mind, "are you suppose to be telling me this? I'm glad you are but you are all so contradicting."

I am getting ready to head to the hospital now and try to get some kind of answers. It is the mother in me I guess. But even if it is not good news I NEED TO KNOW! Let's see how it goes................