Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Spring-like Wednesday

Don't ask me what Dakota thought was so interesting about Papa taking off his work boots when he got home that evening. But she was all into it! The fist picture of her laying down just cracks me up. He sit down to take off his boots and she just lays down in front of him watching the process....she is soooo cute! Today the weather has been so pleasant. Seventies with a breeze blowing, partly cloudy. Beautiful.....So far this week, I have finished 4 scrapbook pages....a record for me since sometimes I cannot even get one done in a 2 week period. I guess being home all week and not being able to do anything that would require alot of excess work manages to allow you do being able to do that. Haven't even been able to drive in the last couple of days since I got dizzy driving on Monday to the store. Went for a little walk today and took some pictures of different flowers around the neighborhood. I guess some people who see me hovering over a flowering bush or looking keenly at a flowering dogwood tree probably think I am a little wacko, but who cares. If they think you are wacko, then they don't expect much from you, right?????? I finished one scrapbook page with the pictures taken of Dakota and Allyssa with Santa in Hendersonille, NC, this past December. I have looked at this pictures several times trying to decide how the relate the "goings on" on paper. When I looked at them this morning, I just was laughing so hard. One of the pictures shows Dakota turning around seeing Santa and the next one shows her with her mouth wide open cry up a storm, so instead of making a serious page I made a funny page. You would have to see it to understand. I will try to scan it and post it. Well, gotta go for now. Later...............